Your Positive Power

– get other people to do what you want and love you for it

Have you ever tried to get somebody else to do something you wanted? In that case, you’ve used power. Everybody does it all the time, but not everybody does it well. Effective power isn’t something that you take from others, it’s something that others give to you.

Henrik uses everyday examples and astonishing demonstrations to reveal the surprising truth about Power. How much power you actually have, how you should use it, and why other people will love you for using it.

Length 45 mins

When you book a lecture you also have the opportunity to buy the book “The Power Game: The Art of Taking Control” to your participants for a very favorable price!

The Art of Reading Minds

– what we tell each other without knowing it

A good relationship is the foundation of any meaningful exchange. If you can’t make somebody want to hear you out and trust you first, they won’t listen to what you say.

In this funny and surprising lecture, Henrik teaches you how to use your unconscious, non-verbal communication such as body language, voice tempo, facial expressions and even word adjustments, to form a good relationship with anybody, so that you can get people to like you as well as listen to you.

Length 70 mins

When you book a lecture you also have the opportunity to buy the book “The Art of Reading Minds” to your participants for a very favorable price!

How to get Mental Superpowers

– boot camp for your brain

You are capable of much more than you realize. Henrik explains how you can use your brain in a much more efficient way. You’ll learn simple shortcuts and psychological tricks that will let you achieve results you didn’t believe possible.

Henrik uses comedy and unexpected demonstrations to get the whole audience to sharpen their mental superpowers, and they can get started before the lecture is even over. This isn’t just about getting smarter, it’s about a whole new attitude to yourself.

Length approx 45 or 60 mins

When you book a lecture you also have the opportunity to buy the book “How to Get Mental Super Powers” to your participants for a very favorable price!

Unlock your social superpower

For the first time in ten years, Henrik presents a public lecture! No tricks, no illusions, just knowledge that in a single evening makes you a social super professional.


How to super charge your body and mind

With Catharina Enblad

It is easy to loose your footing in a world that spins faster and faster. We are told that the modern way of living is detrimental to our health and that we need to go slower. But stress is not necessarily dangerous. The danger lies in not reloading yourself. Which unfortunately is what many forget to do.

In Reload, Henrik and Catharina dispel the myths about stress and balance, and teaches loads of practical and quick techniques for physical and mental recharge. By finding your personal type of reload, you can shape a more fulfilling life with even more energy. Reload lets you super charge your batteries without cutting down on what is fun.

Based on the bestselling book.

30 or 60 minutes